Whether you live, work or play on St. Paul’s East Side, you can support our incredible community through purchasing I Am East Side apparel. Your purchase helps fund legal services for immigrants, work opportunities for people coming out of chronic homelessness, medical care for neighbors, and expanded food access for students.
Sacred Settlement Mosaic
"A full community approach to addressing the root causes of chronic homelessness."
Sacred Settlement is a tiny home community providing stable housing and intentional relationships for individuals transitioning out of homelessness. It is a part of a growing community effort to combat the root causes of chronic homelessness and give our neighbors more than just a secure home - but a way of life too.
Learn how supporting this cause enables us to have a wider reach and helping hand in the community.
Immigrant Connection Mosaic

"Immigrant Connection Mosaic exists to mobilize and equip the community through high quality and low-cost immigration legal services."
Immigrant Connection Mosaic serves our immigrant neighbors located in East Saint Paul in navigating the path to citizenship and integrating into our community through high quality, low cost immigration legal services.
Read more about our services and how your generosity can help us assist more families to find belonging in our community.
Local High School Food Shelf

The local high school food shelf helps those qualifying students who have limited resources find food stability, as well as groceries, clothing, and long-term aid for them and their families.
Learn more about how your contribution aids in fulfilling food stability in student's lives.
"Looking out for the next generation."
Community Nurse

"The role of the Community Nurse is to promote health for the whole person."
The community nurse is available as a health educator, personal health counselor, health advocate, referral agent, coordinator of health events, and integrator of faith and wellness. Understanding that our health can significantly affect the spirit, mind and interpersonal relationships, the community nurse seeks to encourage and support health through a holistic approach.
Help us strengthen bonds between the community and the projects supported by the proceeds, foster pride and unity within our neighborhood, and form partnerships with the local business producing the shirts. Connection and community partnership is at the heart of this project, and it serves as the cornerstone of its success.
I am East Side is an initiative of Mosaic Christian Community. Your suggested donation of $25 for a shirt is processed through Mosaic Christian Community and is distributed to our Resource Center programs. All of the Resource Center programs are accessed by our neighbors, benefit our community, and have no religious requirement.